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INEBRIA - International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol & Other Drugs
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Digital approaches screening and brief intervention for alcohol and substance misuse

Name: INEBRIA Special Interest Group on digital approaches screening and brief intervention for alcohol and substance misuse

Leader/s: Paul Wallace (provisional)
Aim: To track progress on research and development in the field of digital approaches screening and brief intervention for alcohol and substance misuse, and to review and address the methodological issues arising.
Actions planned: Meetings, workshops and symposia in appropriate contexts. Production of presentations and papers as appropriate. Undertaking collaborative research and development as appropriate
Participants: Claire Garnet, Reid Hester, Tom Defillet, Zarnie Khadjesari, Stuart Linke, Gillian Shorter, David Crane, Joel Francis,  Don Shenker, Alexander Cowell, Maria Lucia Formigoni, Brian Suffoletto, Anne Berman, Paul Wallace
Joining the group: membership of the group is open on application to all members of INEBRIA

Progress (until April 2016): The group has been convened informally, and the inaugural meeting will be held at the INEBRIA meeting in Lausanne in September 2016. A proposal for a symposium on digital approaches screening and brief intervention for alcohol has been submitted for the INEBRIA meeting in Lausanne in September 2016

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