Nº 03, Juny 2010 

Conference news

7th Annual Conference of INEBRIA

On the website of the 7th Inebria Conference and this flyer you’ll find all the relevant information (programme, venue, registration and hotel accommodation) you will need to join us in Gothenburg, Sweden.

 Until 30th JuneFrom 1st July
Standard1400 SKR
144,42 €
197,19 $
1800 SKR
185,69 €
253,53 $
Reduced* 1150 SKR
118,63 €
161,98 $
1550 SKR
159,90 €
218,32 $

Register by using this
on-line form.
* only for participants from low income countries from Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and South America, as well as PhD students

For queries and additional information about the 7th INEBRIA Annual Conference, please contact Karin Mossberg 46 31 7866860 or karin.mossberg@socmed.gu.se

Other News

Global strategy to reduce harmful use of alcohol
Approval by the WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY in May 2010

On 17-22nd May, The World Health Assembly endorsed the Global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. To read the global strategy, please refer to http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA63/A63_12-en.pdf. To read the amended resolution, please scroll down to agenda item 11.10 in http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA63/A63_64Draft-en.pdf

The policy options and interventions in the area 2 of Heatlh Services responses include:
(b) supporting initiatives for screening and brief interventions for hazardous and harmful drinking at primary health care and other settings; such initiatives should include early identification and management of harmful drinking among pregnant women and women of child-bearing age;

Please read the following documents for more information:

NICE guidance on ‘Preventing the development
of hazardous and harmful drinking'

In the UK, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), an independent organization responsible for providing guidance on promoting good health and preventing and treating ill health, has published national guidance on ‘Prevention of Alcohol Use Disorders in Adults and Young People’. The Programme Development Group (PDG) that developed the guidance was chaired by INEBRIA member Eileen Kaner and the PDG included two other INEBRIA members, Jim McCambridge and Nick Heather. Several recommendations in this guidance are concerned with screening and brief intervention and it is hoped that these will have a beneficial effect on the quality and quantity of SBI activity in the UK. To download a pdf of the full guidance document, visit http://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/PH24 There are 12 Recommendations in the document, 7 of which concern screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment.


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please contact us.  Tel: +34 93 551 36 10, inebria@gencat.cat  

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