In 2013 the conference will most probably take place in Rome, Italy.
Nick Heather writes: In the previous Bulletin it was reported that Lidia Segura and I had attended a meeting at WHO Headquarters in Geneva on 12 December 2011 to discuss how NGOs and health professionals could contribute to WHO Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol . We have now had further discussions with Dr. Vladimir Poznyak (Coordinator, Management of Substance Abuse, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, WHO) regarding the part INEBRIA might play in assisting the WHO Global Strategy. Two broad areas of possible collaboration were identified: (i) a contribution to materials, ie, updated SBI manuals, technical tools; (ii) INEBRIA input to rolling out Global Strategy, eg, mapping SBI activity in countries; developing support and training programmes. On this basis a number of specific projects and initiatives will be developed and further information on these will be provided to INEBRIA members in due course.
A new 'Alcohol IBA blog' ( has been launched to help promote the delivery of brief interventions. It aims to share news, links and ideas that will help those with the opportunity to deliver or commission alcohol brief interventions. In England, brief interventions are widely known as 'Identification and Brief Advice' (IBA) following publications from the Department of Health. The blog aims to be contributor led, written by those with experience in the field but to promote widespread delivery. INEBRIA members interested in contributing please see here or contact
9th Annual Conference of INEBRIA
From Clinical practice to Public Health:
The two dimensions of Brief Interventions (INEBRIA Conference)
September 27-28, 2011 (pre-conference on the 26th)
Caixa Forum, Barcelona, Spain
The preliminary programme is already available and includes a total of 23 sessions (4 plenaries and 19 parallel sessions) and 31 posters.
More information at:
Contact the conference organizers at
INEBRIA recently co-sponsored a conference in Scotland focusing on the potential for delivery of SBI in a range of new settings including social work, criminal justice, pharmacy, housing, homelessness and police services. Scotland has been at the forefront of delivery of alcohol brief interventions in health services through a Government programme over the last four years and focus is now turning to the potential role of other practitioners.
The conference, held on 27th March 2012, was organised by Edinburgh Cyrenians, in association with Comic Relief, Create Consultancy, Alcohol Research UK and INEBRIA. It was attended by professionals and researchers from all these fields including participants from Sweden and the USA. With a key note address on the state of the evidence base for IBA by Dr. Richard Saitz, and a following presentation ‘How to decide what to do, whatever the evidence‘ from Dr. Andrew Tannahill, the day got off to an intriguing start.
Further presentations focused on how to implement IBA into routine practice, an example of how Edinburgh Cyrenians rolled out an interesting model of alcohol interventions across their frontline homelessness services, and a discussion of the place of alcohol in the lives of hard to reach groups. Workshops discussed selection of screening tools, training, gender issues and web technology relating to IBA.
The full list of speakers and presentations from the conference is available.
Participants at the conference were entitled to a significantly reduced rate if they became members of INEBRIA. The Secretariat is in the process of following up those who expressed interest and it is expected that between 20-30 new members will join INEBRIA as a result.
Some information for Latinamerican professionals is already available at the University website and at the “Bulletin of Multidisciplinary Brazilian Association About Drugs (ABRAMD) ”.