Europarc 2004
Workshop 1
Assessment, monitoring and reporting on the conservation status

Topics to be considered include: use of information and databases for more coherent management and monitoring, best practice and useful tools for monitoring of habitats and species, and favourable conservation status.

> Background Paper Workshop 1

 CHAIR A: Arto Ahokumpu (FIN), Metsähallitus Ostrobothnia-Kainuu


Field trip: Aiguamolls de l'Empordŕ, Natural Park

Case Study: Wetland where examples of monitoring of hydrological parameters for the conservation of habitats will be shown.
Meeting with researches and experts of wetland management. More information

Excursion: Walk along one of the itineraries in the Aiguamolls de l'Empordŕ, Natural Park

 CHAIR B: Gábor Szilagyi (H), Kiskunság National Park


Field trip: Montgrí, Area of Natural Interest

Case Study: Mediterranean coastal and marine area. Presentation of a monitoring system of submarine communities. More information

Excursion:  The sea_cliffs of de Montgrí coast

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