Europarc 2004
Workshop 2
Managing Natura 2000 in the wider landscape

This group will look at moving from site management to network management, challenges and opportunities for integrating and linking natural landscapes, transboundary initiatives and involving new partners in management.
    > Background Paper Workshop 2

  CHAIR A: Carles Castell (E), Diputació de Barcelona


Field trip: El Montseny, Natural Park

Case Study: Mediterranean and Atlantic woody area,. Examples of forest management in private areas under the perspective of Habitats Directive requirements. Meeting with landowners. Review of the master plan under the framework of wider landscape planning (considerations about connectivity and design of corridors). More information

Excursion: Walk to the highest point of the Montseny Natural Park

 CHAIR B: Sue Goodfellow (UK), Dartmoor National Park


Field trip: Albera, Natural Area of National Interest

Case Study: Mountain area in the Pirinees with examples of Mediterranean and Euro Siberian forests. Examples of transboundary management. More information

Excursion: Visit to L'Albera Natural Area

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