Europarc 2004
Workshop 3
New approaches to financing Natura 2000

Topics to be considered include European funding instruments such as LIFE, rural development funds and CAP measures, developing new sources and attracting the private sector, as well as how to attract new funds.
     >Background Paper Workshop 3 - Last version 
     >ABSTRACT Background Paper Workshop 3a
     >Übersicht: Arbeitsgruppe 3

 CHAIR A: Olaf Ostermann (D), Landesamt für Forsten und Großschutzgebiete Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (English speaking)


Field trip: Estany de Sils, Area of Natural Interest

Case Study: Wetland in restoration where examples of participation of local administrations and private sector in financing projects for restoration will be shown (LIFE, Rural Development funds, sponsors,…). Meeting with local administration and private Foundation. More information

Excursion: Field trip to L'Estany de Sils (Sils lagoon)

 CHAIR B: Andrej Bibic (SI), Slovenian Ministry of Environment


Field trip: Les Gavarres, Area of Natural Interest

Case Study: Mediterranean forest. Examples of diversity of sources of funding from public and private institutions. In this area the private property is relevant. More information

Excursion: Visit to Les Gavarres Area of Natural Interest

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