Europarc 2004
Workshop 4
Challenges of managing coastal and marine ecosystems

This workshop will look at the marine and coastal aspects inherent in the Habitats Directive, governance of marine protected areas, working together with other administrations such as fisheries, and legal aspects of international interest.

> Background Paper Workshop 4 ( in French )

> Déclaration finale du 4e Symposium international du Réseau écologique

Background Paper Workshop 4

> Final Declaration of the 4th International Symposium of the Pan-European Ecological Network

 CHAIR A: François Simard (F), IUCN Mediterranean Office


Field trip: Illes Medes, Natural Reserve

Case Study: Management of marine ecosystems with special emphasis in habitats included in Natura 2000, such as Posidonia grass, and the impact of visitors. Meeting with an expert on the field. More information

Excursion: Participants can choose between two exciting options: Marine environments of Les Illes Medes or boat tour round Montgrí coast and Medes Islands.

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