Users will be able to consult the voter turnout data and the candidates’ results, as well as compare them with the elections held in 2102 and 2015 and select the options for achieving majorities in parliament. During the latest elections held in 2015 this was the most downloaded App of those ever published by the Generalitat, with downloads in 133 countries.
Citizens may follow the voter turnout data and the results of the parliamentary elections of 21 December. After users have installed the ‘Eleccions 21D’ App on their mobile devices, they will be able to see how election day unfolds, especially obtaining the participation percentages and detailed information about the candidates’ provisional results, which may be compared with the elections of 2015 and 2012.
There are numerous options and combinations for obtaining information, as the data can be followed from everywhere and are divided into different levels: Catalonia, constituencies, districts and municipalities. Furthermore, users have the option of bookmarking one of these geographical areas and follow it more closely. One of the App’s specific features enables users to know the number of votes obtained by the different standing candidates, both in Catalonia and in each constituency, as well as the names of the elected candidates.
My Parliament (‘El meu Parlament’), a feature used to create the desired majorities
With the My Parliament (‘El meu Parlament’) feature, users may choose the candidates they think should agree with the purpose of creating hypothetical majorities in Parliament. They will also be given the chance to give a name to the chosen combination, which they may share on social networks. These simulated alliances will be able to evolve while the votes are being counted during the election night. The chosen simulation can be uploaded onto the Eleccions 21D App before election day to then follow it up.
This App is the most successful ever published by the Generalitat. The number of downloads of the two previous versions was much higher abroad and, as a result, the version created for the elections of 25 November 2012 was the first App in Europe with a government at the head. In only four days, there were nearly 80,000 downloads from 120 countries, and it was the top free mobile App downloaded from the Apple and Google markets.
The number of downloads increased during the elections held on 27 September 2015, with downloads recorded in 133 countries.
The App is available free of charge for mobiles and tablets that run on Android and iOS (iPhone/iPad), and can be set in Catalan, Spanish and English. Users of previous editions of the App will receive a message informing them that they can save the 2015 version, which stores file history data, but which is no longer operational. The message will also tell users that they can download the Eleccions 21D App, which can be installed by clicking on the links below: