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European eGovernment Awards 2009
European eGovernment Awards 2009
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European eGovernment Awards

The awards are organised by the European Commission and give recognition to good practice by governments in the use of Information and Communication Technology. 259 projects have been presented for the fourth series of awards and from these 52 finalists have been selected in four categories ("eGovernment supporting the single market". "eGovernment empowering citizens", "eGovernment empowering businesses" and "eGovernment enabling administrative efficiency and effectiveness").

The winners will not be announced until the award ceremony, during the e-government Ministerial Conference to be held in Malmö (Sweden) on November 19 and 20.

In addition to the four official categories there is a Public Prize which will be awarded to the initiative receiving most votes on the portal. Voters need to be previously registered on the portal but registration is open to anyone interested. Registered users must comply with certain requirements and regulations.

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